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Continued Education Program

Open to Industry, Entrepreneurs, Faculty & Students (outside IIT-B)

CEP - IITB : Biomedical Product Design & Development


This short 5-day hands-on certificate course is designed to give a detailed overview of Biomedical device development from an industry perspective. The program would touch upon the entire process from conception to development of devices from research, regulatory, clinical, marketing, engineering and legal perspective. The emphasis would be given on the engineering part starting from capturing the requirements and converting them into specifications which would translate into a functional module and later on into a prototype ready for testing and bringing you close to the market. The program will be a guide on how to start from scratch to develop a fully functional prototype for your idea/research. This is especially useful for young faculty and students who wish to apply to BIRAC Biotechnology Ignition Grant and other startup grants for career development. This will also benefit mid-level and senior-level academics who wish to teach Biomedical Engineering courses and set up labs in their colleges.


  1. Duration: 5 days

  2. Venue: IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai

  3. Dates(2020): February 2020, May 2020

  4. Hands on: Yes

  5. Certificate issued by IIT Bombay to all succesful participants

BB 610: Biomedical Microsystems


Introduction; Photolithography; Crystallography, Mask Design Wet and Dry Etching; Thin Film Deposition and Growth Electroplating, Molding, LIGA, Bonding and Sacrificial Processes, Polymer Processing and Rapid Prototyping, u-TAS: Fluid Control Components, Sample Handling, Separation Components and Detection, Cell Handling and Characterization Systems, Systems for Biotechnology and PCR, Miniature Biosensors, Biosensor Arrays and Implantable Devices Neural Interfaces, Microsurgical Tools, Microneedles, and Drug Delivery, Miniature Bioreactors and Microsystems for Tissue Engineering, Optical Biosensors, Packaging of Microfluidic and Optical Systems, Nanotechnology, Metrology.


  1. Manz and H. Becker, Eds., Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Sciences, Springer- Verlag, NewYork, 1999.

  2. Marc J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication: The Science of Miniaturization, Second Edition, CRC Press;2nd edition, 2002

BB 669: Signals &; Systems in Biomedical Engineering


Introduction to Signals and systems, Unit Step, Impulse, Sinusoidal and Exponential Signals, Properties of systems, Discrete-time convolution and properties, Continuous-time convolution and properties, Fourier series and properties, Fourier Transform and properties, Laplace Transform and properties, Z-Transform and biomedical examples of the above.


  1.  Devasahayam, Suresh R., Signals and Systems in Biomedical Engineering: Signal Processing and Physiological Systems Modeling, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub., 2000.

  2. Signals and Systems Analysis In Biomedical Engineering, Second Edition [Hardcover], Robert B. Northrop, ISBN-10: 1439812519 | ISBN-13: 978-1439812518 | Edition: 2

  3. Signals and Systems for Bioengineers, Second Edition: A MATLAB-Based Introduction (Biomedical Engineering) [Hardcover] John Semmlow (Author) ISBN-10: 3849829 | ISBN-13: 978-3849823 | Edition: 2

BB 601: Introduction to Bio-nanotechnology


Introduction to Bio-Nanotechnology, Cellular nanostructures, self-assembly of colloidal nanostructures of biological relevance, biofunctional nanoparticles, Nanoparticles for drug delivery (including solid lipid nanoparticles, synthetic and biopolymeric nanoparticles), carbon nanotubes, polymeric nanofibers, quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles and gold nanostructures for theranostics, Multilayer Thin Film: Polyelectrolyte multilayers, coated colloids, smart capsules, Nanoengineered biosensors, Nanotechnology for Biodefense, Implants and Prosthesis, Implications in neuroscience, tissue engineering and cancer therapy, and Environmental and safety aspects of bio-nanotechnology.


  1. Multilayer Thin Films, G Decher, JB. Schlenoff, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (2003)

  2. Bionanotechnology, Lessons from Nature; D S. Goodsell, Wiley-Liss (2004)

  3.  Biomedical Nanotechnology, N H. Malsch, CRC Press (2005) Nanotechnologies for the Life Sciences, Vol 2, Biological and pharmaceutical nanomaterials; Challa Kumar, Wiley-VCH, (2006)

BB 639: NanoBiotechnology


Introduction to Bio-Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles for drug delivery (including solid lipid nanoparticles, synthetic and biopolymeric nanoparticles), carbon nanotubes, polymeric nanofibers, tissue engineering, and cancer therapy.

Introduction to Nanotechnology, Multilayer Thin Film: Polyelectrolyte multilayers, coated colloids, smart capsules, Nanoengineered biosensors.


  1. Multilayer Thin Films : Editor(s): Gero Decher, Joseph B. Schlenoff, Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaAISBN: 3527600574 (Electronic)   3527304401 (Print)             

  2. Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature, Author: David S. Goodsell Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Wiley-Liss (January 29, 2004) ISBN: 047141719X

  3. Biomedical Nanotechnology: Edited by Neelina H. Malsch CRC Press ISBN: 0-8247-2579-4

  4. Biological and pharmaceutical nanomaterials: Edited by Challa Kumar, NtLS series from Wiley-VCH ISBN: 3-527-31382-6

Our Address

Dr. Rohit Srivastava


NanoBios Lab, Lab-505, 5th Floor, New Building

Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering

IIT Bombay, Powai

Mumbai 400076


© 2023 NanoBios Lab

Tel. : 022-25767746/4761


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